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Canvas Readings & Resources: Get Started

Set Up Readings & Resources

To get started using this tool, you'll need to create a reading list for your students. The structure can be modified however you want. You can have a blank list, or a list broken up into weekly readings, required and recommended readings, or numbered modules. 

Note: It is not recommended to build a list in a development or sandbox course shell. Build a list in the for-credit course or, if you want to keep a list separate from a for-credit course, create a list in your sandbox but then only add resources to your Favorites.

Create a Reading List

In Canvas, go to Readings & Resources on the left side menu, and "Create a new list from scratch." 

Readings and resources screen showing Create New List or Select existing list


Give the list a title. We recommend the course name followed by the term and year. Then click Next.

If you are instead duplicating a previous semester's list, it will say (Duplicate) in the name. Change this to the current term and year, to clarify for the future.

creating a new list for Survey of Advertising, Fall 2024


Pick a template, either Default (in which you can create your own section headings) or Weeks. You can choose how many weeks, or sections, are in your course. 

Then select Create list.

creation of a list with 8 weekly sections

Add Collaborators

Collaborators help you manage Readings & Resources by adding and editing your lists. Collaborators might include other instructors, instructional designers, or teaching assistants.

Add Faculty

  1. Open your Readings & Resources list, and then click "List info" at the top of your screen.
  2. Click "Manage collaborators" and then "Add collaborators." 
  3. Type in the name to search for collaborators. If you can't find them, use the directions below for TAs and instructional designers.
  4. Once the collaborator accepts, they will be able to administer your list.

Collaborators are automatically assigned permissions to "Edit," which lets them add, edit, and remove resources only. Once a collaborator has been added to the list, you can change their permissions to "Manage," which gives them full control over your lists, and the ability to add and remove collaborators.

manage collaborators link

Add TAs and Instructional Designers

TAs and Instructional Designers will not at first appear as choices when searching for them in "Manage Collaborators." To add these collaborators:

  1. They must be added to the Canvas course, via the People menu, as a TA or Designer
  2. The main instructor must have set up a reading list
  3. The collaborator must click into Readings & Resources in that course
  4. Then the instructor will be able to search for their name in "Manage Collaborators."