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AMAE 6202 Strategic Planning: Resources

A course guide for the AMAE capstone class.

Comparable Arts Organizations

Arts Case Studies

First, register for an account at the link below using your SMU email.

There is no good search tool. Go to their For Members > Member Homepage, and browse. 

Arts & Business Trade & Scholarly Journals

Local (Dallas or TX) Resources

DataArts Tools

DataArts is a research organization (based at SMU) that studies the arts in the United States. Several helpful free benchmarking tools and reports:

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Naomi Schemm

Search on the Web

Searching on Google? 

  • Use site limiting to limit to only certain domains (URL endings). For example -- notice no space after site:
  • "arts council" policies
  • arts co-working space rental prices

Keep in mind, though, that not all arts council orgs will necessarily use a .org ending, and for-profit companies can now use a .org too (not just nonprofits).

  • Use the filetype: limiter to limit to certain file types -- perhaps filetype:.pdf or filetype:.xls would be helpful for financials or business plans of other arts councils.

Searching on Google Scholar for other scholarly content?

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