Use Quick Reports
Quick Reports are often an easier entry point into Simmons data. They can help answer questions such as:
- What are the demographics of people who purchase a brand?
- What are the social media habits of people who do a particular activity?
- What are the web use trends of people who agree or disagree with a particular attitude?
- Log in to Simmons. In the top menu, go to Profile > Quick Reports.
- When prompted (or on the left side), choose the Composer button.
Set up Composer
The Composer consists of four panels:
- This section shows the questions asked on the Simmons survey, arranged into categories. Open folders until you find a word or phrase that is not a folder and is bolded -- that indicates Simmons asked a question about this topic. Click to select that question.
Example: see the bolded words for Respondent > Generations -- that means Simmons asked a question about the respondent's generation, or year of birth.
- This section shows the possible answers to that question.
2a. Select the answer choices you want.
2b. Select ADD. The default is to add each of the choices individually, but you can use the commands AND or OR. OR will usually retrieve more survey respondents than AND.
Example: we've selected people from the Millennial OR Gen Z generations.
- This section shows what answers you have selected.
3a. Confirm that your answer choice makes sense for your query.
3b. Select the TARGETS button.
- Your answer moves to this space. If the text is too long to view, you may "Edit Name" by using the three dots.
- Select the Create button.
View Quick Reports
- Your Targets are listed here. You can also go back to the Composer to create more.
- Multiple Quick Report options are available. Scroll down to see all choices. Select what you are interested in. For example:
a. Demographics - highlights Gender, Age, Race, Ethnicity, Household members, Household income, Education, and more.
b. Media Usage & Channels, as well as Social Media Usage - highlights traditional media (newspapers, magazines, radio, etc.) and social media usage (specific apps)
c. Digital - overall trends in smartphone usage (not specific apps, but categories like Financial, News, or Weather)
d. Television Viewing and Streaming Video Services
Understand Quick Reports
All Quick Reports have several significant numbers:
- Unweighted identifies the number of survey participants who fit the Target (example: 24,358 survey respondents were Gen Z or Millennials). The % of Base identifies the percentage of total (example: 45%)
- Look for numbers slightly above or below 100. This is the Index. The national average is set to 100. Numbers above 100 tell you how much more likely, and numbers below 100 tell you how much less likely, this particular Target is to do this behavior or fit this characteristic.
2a. Often the Target has a whole-number score, in addition to the Index.
Example: Average Time Spent on Social Media Yesterday, for this Target, is 2.8 hours. That is 21% higher than other people not in this target, because 121 is 21 points higher than the national average of 100.
2b. Sometimes the Target's number is identified as a percentage rather than a standard number.
Example: For these two Target generations, 92% used the Phone app and 91% used the Text Messaging app on their phone. That's high, but the Index for each of those is 99 and 101 -- not significantly different than the rest of the population, so it doesn't tell us anything unique about this Target.
- To see other Reports, use the MAIN MENU option rather than the back button on your browser.
When viewing reports:
This is a one-time snapshot of the Target. If you want to compare between brands or between other variables, use a Crosstab.