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Open Access: How to Publish OA

SMU Libraries has publishing agreements to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) to publish as Gold Open Access in several selected journals. The agreement applies if the SMU author is listed as the corresponding author.

Submit your article via the typical submission process for that journal. After manuscript acceptance, if the journal has an open access agreement with us, you will be advised that OA publishing is available to you, with SMU paying the publication costs. You can choose whether or not to accept it.

Publishers with OA agreements

These publishers have open access agreements with SMU. This list is expected to grow as we sign more transformative agreements with publishers.

Springer Nature

Corresponding authors are eligible to publish their articles in hybrid journals across the Springer Nature portfolio.


What will SMU pay for?

  • All the Article Processing Charges (APCs)
  • Errata charges 

What isn't covered by SMU?

  • Overlength charges (some journals charge if an article goes over a certain page length)
  • Color charges to pay for images and graphics in the print edition (color online is usually free)

SMU Scholar

SMU Scholar, our institutional repository, complements traditional publishing. It hosts collections for many SMU colleges and departments, and more can be added.

Your work can still be published in any number of traditional outlets. If you do not sign away your authors' rights, you may be able to store a copy in SMU Scholar, too. 

Creative Commons licenses

OA content, both text and multimedia, is frequently published with Creative Commons (CC) licenses. CC licenses give you more control over how people can reuse your work:

  • CC-Attribution (CC-BY) -- any re-users must give you credit
  • CC-ShareAlike (CC-SA) -- others may remix, adapt, and build upon your work, as long as they give their new creation the same CC license as you use
  • CC-NoDerivs (CC-ND) -- others may reuse the work for any purpose, even commercially, but it cannot be shared with others
  • CC-NonCommercial (CC-NC) -- others may remix, adapt, and build upon your work in any non-commercial way, but they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms

You can also combine some of the above licenses, such as CC BY-NC-ND. Read more about the license options here

Other OA outlets

In addition to the options listed on this page, other high-quality publications are also OA. Use these tools to help find them: