This database provides access to information such as company and industry profiles and general financial information. Enter the company name or ticker in the search box. To locate a headquarters or subsidiary, choose Family Tree and expand the menu.
SIC/NAICS codes: Type 'American Airlines Group' in the search box and select the Headquarters option from the autofill menu.
On the American Airlines Group page, click on 'Industry Details' to see all the SIC and NAICS codes for this company.
View the primary SIC and NAICS codes for American Airlines Group. Make a note of the codes especially the ‘primary’ as you will use them frequently in other databases.
Company Information: To find the ticker symbol, you must be viewing the company headquarters page. It will be located to the right of the company name . Make a note of it as you will use it in other databases.
Explore the links such as ‘Financial Details,’ 'Executive Details' and ‘Company Details’ to learn more about the company. Each main link has subheadings for more information.
The ‘Competitors List’ provides a list of global competitors.
Annual Reports: Located under ‘Company Details' the subheading 'Annual Reports' provides five years of Annual Reports. Also, under ‘Financial Details” view the subheadings to find historical stock prices, ratios, and other financial data .
To access First Research industry reports, click on First Research below the main search box and then, the orange Submit button on the left side of the page.
View the Company Searching tutorial for more insights.
Access company or industry information; global company, country and industry overviews; articles from academic journals, business periodicals, newspapers and newswires; and company histories and market share data.
Industry profiles: Click on the ‘Industries’ button.
On the left under ‘Search by Industry Name’, enter a NAICS code for the industry and press ‘enter/return’ on your keyboard.
Click on the report title.
On the right hand side under ‘Related Content’ is more information regarding the industry, such as rankings and market research.
Company Information: Enter the company name in the search box (or click Advance Search to help narrow your results by using company name and NAICS code).
Under the ‘Company Profiles’ search results heading, find and click on the company name.
On the right hand side under ‘Related Content’ is more information regarding the company, such as recent news, investment reports, financials, rankings and market share reports.
Articles: In the search box, type in 'frequent flyer' as keywords to find news about airlines and frequent flyer programs.
Access data for companies - public and private, industries, and mutual funds/ETFs. This database contains stock reports, industry surveys, Compustat Excel Analytics data, the Daily Price Record, and screening tools for stocks, mutual funds, and corporate bonds.
Industry profiles: In the ‘S&P Publication Search’ section, choose ‘Airlines’ from the Industry Surveys drop down menu and click on the arrow/Go button.
Industry Associations: From the industry profile, click on the 'Industry References' link to view trade association information.
Company Information: From the main menu (click the blue ‘Home’ tab if needed) in the ‘Simple Search’ section, choose ‘Company Profile’ from the ‘Resources’ drop down menu.
Select ‘Ticker’ from the ‘Search by’ drop down menu.
Type the company ticker in the search box and click on the arrow/Go button.
Navigate the company profile using links on the left side of the screen.
If NetAdvantage asks for a log in, please clear your history, cache and cookies, or use a different browser to access the database.
Be sure to note
The federal government classifies manufacturing and service industries by assigning SIC and NAICS code numbers based on their primary business activities. These numbers allow similar companies to be grouped for comparison purposes. Finding these codes is an important first step in doing any industry research.
Ticker symbol
A company's ticker symbol (available if they are publicly traded), is a unique identifier that, like a SIC or NAICS code, is useful when researching a company.