Use Business Source Complete (BSC) to find articles from major national publications, trade journals, and regional sources. Also, find market research reports, industry profiles, and country reports. This database defaults to the advanced search interface.
Industry profiles: Enter the company name or the NAICS code in the first search box.
From the drop down menu to the right, choose either ‘CO Company Entity’ or ‘IC NAICS Code or Description’ and click the ‘Search’ button.
On the results page, go to ‘Source Types’ on the left of the search results (if necessary, click the ‘Show More’ button to see these options.) Check the boxes next to Industry Profiles and Market Research Reports.
Articles: On the initial search screen, use the drop down menus to help refine your search (i.e. IC NAICS code or Description). Search with relevant keywords, such as 'loyalty program' AND airline, 'frequent flyer' AND airline, 'American Airlines' AND 'US Airways', or airline mergers.
On the left side of the search results page, there are several ways to narrow your results, such as full text, date, subject, company, and geography.
Company Profiles: On the top blue bar, mouse over ‘More’ and click on ‘Company Profiles’
In the Browse box, type in American Airlines Group.
Click on the ‘MarketLine Report’ link. This report contains company description, employee biographies, and a SWOT analysis.
Provides online access to articles from the Dallas Business Journal, including both the print and digital versions, the Dallas Book of Lists, and People on the Move. Since American Airlines Group is based in Fort Worth, TX, searching the Dallas Business Journal for news on the merger of the airlines as well as the loyalty program merger will be helpful.
Articles: Search using industry and company keywords, such as 'frequent flyer' or 'airline mergers'.
Click on Full Site Access to search online only articles.
Click on Digital Editions to search the print version of the Dallas Business Journal.
***NOTE: To access DBJ Portal, sign in with the username and password found in the Box folder.***
View the Finding News tutorial for more insights.
Database providing industry information gathered from a variety of business publications. Use the advanced search feature to search by NAICS code. Tip: Use the "Browse" tab to access updated reports in industry & market, commodities, or country profiles. Use sub-tabs to see reports in subject or title lists.
Industry Information: FirstResearch Industry Profiles are available in ABI/Inform.
Click the 'Browse' tab at the top, center of the screen.
Under Industry and Market Research, Select 'First Research'
Select 'Airline Industry' from the list. On the right, change the dropdown menu to 'Publication date (most recent first) to see the latest reports.
Articles: Use the drop down menus to help refine your search (i.e. NAICS code, Location, Company/Org). If there is no drop down menu for you to choose options such as NAICS, click 'Advanced Search.'
Search with industry and company keywords (use industry terms like frequent flier or frequent flyer, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and company terms like ‘American Airlines Group’, 'American Airlines' AND 'United Airlines' AND 'loyalty program', 'loyalty program' AND airline, or airline mergers).
There are multiple ways to narrow your results, such as source type, subject, location, and date on the right side of the search results.