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CISB 4397: Entrepreneurship: Overview

Company Resources

Industry Resources

Associations can be a great source of free information on industries. In addition to what is available on the website, you can contact them using your SMU email address and let them know you are working on a class project. You may also want to reach out to a local chapter for personalized assistance. Each of these databases includes a list of appropriate associations for the industry.

Market Research Resources

Demographic / Psychographic Resources

Resources for all areas

Why Do I Need This Guide?

To create a business plan you will need to include data on the industry, competitors and potential customers. This research guide will direct you toward potential sources to ensure success.

The Business Plan Template is used for the Big iDeas Business Plan Competition and some classes.

CISB 4397 Library Resources Presentation

Further Your Skills with Workshops

The one-hour, hands on Demographic & Consumer Research workshop focuses on resources that provide demographic and psychographic data.

Need a different time? If you have a group of 4 or more, we can add a session for you. Request a workshop.