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CCPA 4395: Consulting Practicum: Consumer Trends


Many types of articles can be helpful to you to discover Gen Z consumer trends. Use filters within any of the tools below to limit to a certain type:

  • News and magazine articles are good for shorter, more digestible bits of information.
  • Scholarly articles provide research-based, controlled-environment studies, and are the highest standard for quality-controlled research. 
  • Trade journal articles lie somewhere between those two -- they are closer to the length of magazine articles, but often with research-backed recommendations for practitioners in the field. 

You will likely not find many (or any) articles specifically about Gen Z and pizza/coffee consumption. However, think about other search terms and concepts, such as Gen Z plus: 

  • Casual or fast casual or convenience dining
  • Communal or group dining-out vs. eating alone
  • Price sensitivity in dining-out and coffee options
  • Health and nutrition awareness
  • Influencer trends (who, what factors make them believable, etc.)
  • Social media platforms, attitudes, use patterns, etc.

Scholarly and Trade 

News and Magazines

Consumer (Gen Z and others) Surveys

These types of sources will not have a survey specifically on Gen Z (or others') pizza or coffee consumption. But they should have separate statistics on Gen Z attitudes, fast-food or fast-casual dining preferences, and coffee preferences, from which you can glean information. 

Other Gen Z Demographics

These will not address pizza specifically, but these articles collect various statistics related to Gen Z.

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Naomi Schemm