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LAW 8308: History of Anglo-American Legal Institutions: Journal Articles

Prepared for Professor Joshua Tate's History of Anglo-American Legal Institutions course

Law Journals (limited to SMU and VPN)

HeinOnline. Unlike Lexis and Westlaw, HeinOnline's Law Journals library is an excellent source for older articles, since most of HeinOnline's 2000-plus journals have complete coverage back to their initial volume.

Legal Periodicals Indexes

This database indexes over 750 legal periodicals published in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.

  • Michael Widener & Ryan Greenwood, Histories of Legal Literature: A Hundred Years of English-Language Scholarship.  (2024) [K140 .W53 2024]. An indexed checklist of "183 monographs, 275 essays in collective works, and 540 journal articles" published from 1921 until 2022 on the topic of Anglo-American legal history.

History Journals

Subject Guide

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Greg Ivy