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ADV 3343/6393: Advertising Account Planning: Industry & Competitors

A guide to assist Prof. Kendrick's classes, Spring 2025

Industry & Competitors

Search here for case studies, analysis of competitor brands or the industry, or news and current events related to your brand.

Trade associations

Consider these possible trade associations: 


Competitor Products & Advertising Copy

Social media and general web searches can be great for this. However, recognize that Google (or Bing, etc.) changes what results you see, based on your past searches! So try to use an Incognito or Private browser, have multiple people do the same search, and see what results are different.

General news article searching is useful to see what competitor products are being mentioned, and with what type of language. When you run into paywalls, use our subscription links below for access to newspapers. 

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Naomi Schemm

Advanced Google

Site limiting:

  •,, etc.

Evaluate sources carefully:

  • Who are the authors? What is their authority or expertise on this subject, if any?
  • What are their claims? 
  • If they are making claims about consumer attitudes, follow the poll or opinion link back to its original source. Verify claims actually are what they say they are!