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Research Assignment Design: Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

These example SLOs addressing the research process are based on the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. You'll work with your librarian to decide which outcomes best fit your goals and assignment.

Students evaluate information with an understanding of context.

  • Identify different kinds of authority and when authority might be challenged
  • Recognize indicators of authority within the discipline
  • Evaluate how personal bias may impact source evaluation

Students understand how and why information is produced.

  • Identify various types of disciplinary information, how they are produced, and why they are valued
  • Match information needs to appropriate types of information
  • Recognize differing genre conventions when applying critical reading skills

Students recognize that information has value and use information ethically.

  • Give credit to others’ work through proper citation
  • Recognize issues regarding access to information
  • Identify concepts related to copyright and fair use

Students approach research with open-minded inquiry.

  • Formulate questions for research based on information gaps
  • Break down complex questions to researchable components
  • Identify different perspectives as possible avenues for research

Students understand that knowledge is developed through sustained discourse and competing perspectives.

  • Compare, evaluate, and synthesize authoritative sources with competing perspectives
  • Track the evolution of understanding on a topic
  • Analyze how sources combine to substantiate claims

Students apply critical thinking, perseverance, and knowledge of information systems to search.

  • Match information needs to appropriate search tools
  • Develop and refine search strategies and terminology appropriate to the tool