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HIST 4300: Weimar Republic: Home

This guide contains resources for students in Prof. Erin Hochman's course as they research and write their papers on the Weimar Republic


  • HIST 4300
  • The Weimar Republic: Germany between Democracy and Dictatorship
  • Dr. Erin Hochman
  • Spring 2025


Whenever you are searching for information, ask yourself:

  • What am i looking for?
    • Background information, general overview, specific or specialized information/analysis?
  • Where should I look for this information?
    • Search engine on the open web? SMU Library catalog? General or specialized database? 
  • How am I searching?
    • Should you use natural language search (using keywords), or controlled vocabulary search (using subject term search)?
    • Will Boolean search (AND, OR, NOT) help?
    • Will limiting by date or place of publication help?
  • Who is responsible for this information?
    • Who created this information? Who published it? Who is hosting it online?

Library Catalogs

Gathering Background Information

As you get started, you can get ideas from class discussions or readings. If it is a topic with which you are unfamiliar, use reference resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks as your starting point. Reference resources:

  • Provide an overview of the topic
  • Identify more specific aspects of the topic on which to focus
  • Provide context and identify differing perspectives
  • Identify experts related to the topic
  • Include references and bibliographies

Need More Help?

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Pam Pagels

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Request materials from other libraries or scans of articles and book chapters from SMU Libraries using Interlibrary Loan.

Search Help

How you look for information using a search engine such as Google is different from how you will use many of the library databases. Here are a few helpful pages regarding searching.