Political economy crosses disciplinary areas, so Library Search is a good place to start for articles and books. Look for relevant subjects and use the filters to manage the number of results.
A collection of studies and documents from the World Bank. Click Collections to browse by resource type. Look for Country Strategy Documents and Economic and Sector Work Studies. Click Topics to browse or search for your topic.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of international economic policy.
Click Research to find the World Economic Outlook Report, Global Financial Stability Report, and more. Find statistics and reports by country by clicking Country.
Access global trade forecasts, value chains, tariff, and other statistics via the Documents, Data, and Resources tab. Look at Trade Topics for specific goods and services or regional trade agreements.
Working papers and policy papers on topics that are of interest to development economists, defined loosely as the analysis of the economics of developing countries.
Click Research to find the World Economic Outlook Report, Global Financial Stability Report, and more. Find statistics and reports by country by clicking Country.
A-Z entries covering international trade, production, finance, specific trade agreements and policies, and more. The Topical List of Entries is helpful for a list of terms to browse if you are unfamiliar with the discipline.