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Literary Periods
Age of Revolutions
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Literary Periods: Age of Revolutions
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Early Modern
Age of Revolutions
Modern to Contemporary
Background & Reference Information
Oxford Bibliographies: Victorian Literature
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Overviews & annotated bibliographies on literature of the Victorian period
Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment
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Multidisciplinary coverage of the Enlightenment
Oxford Bibliographies: Atlantic History
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Overviews & annotated bibliographies on Atlantic transnational interconnections
American History through Literature, 1820-70
Overview of American history through a literary lens
American History through Literature, 1870-1920
Overview of American history through a literary lens
Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature
Spans the full sweep of literary genres and figures that define this influential period.
Historical Dictionary of Romanticism in Literature
Overview of the Romantic Movement
Literary Research and the British Romantic Era
Discusses resources for research
Oxford Handbook of the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Surveys the development of the English novel during the "long" eighteenth century
Routledge Handbook to Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals and Newspapers
Interdisciplinary examination of scholarship on nineteenth-century, British periodicals
Primary Sources
Electronic Enlightenment
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Correspondence on major topics from the 1600s-1800s
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Gilded Age and Progressive Era
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Primary sources from America’s age of industrialization, expanding wealth, inequality & social change
Literary Manuscripts Berg
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New York Public Library's manuscript collection, focusing on the 1800s
Nineteenth Century Literary Society
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Murray publishing house titles from initial discussions through final drafts, including finances
Poverty, Philanthropy and Social Conditions in Victorian Britain
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Documents life in Britain's poorest communities during the 1800s, as well as the institutions promoting public welfare
Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape
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Working notebooks, verse manuscripts, correspondence, etc. of writers from the 1700s-1800s
Rotunda American History
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Primary & secondary source collections about U.S. history & culture
Victorian Popular Culture
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Popular entertainment in America, Britain, & Europe from 1779-1930
Victorians on Film: Entertainment, Innovation and Everyday Life
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Glimpse into the lives of the late Victorians and Edwardians
Primary Sources: 1700s
Primary Sources: 1800s
Recommended Databases
C19: Nineteenth Century Index
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Publications on the Anglo-American world, 1790-1919
Cambridge Companions Complete Collection
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Complete texts of books such as the Cambridge Companions to Fiction in the Romantic Period, the literature of the American Renaissance, British Romantic Poetry, and more.
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Full-text journals include: Early American Literature, Studies in Romanticism
Library Catalog - Advanced
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A subset of Library Search that finds only materials owned by SMU Libraries, such as books, journals, movies, etc.
MLA International Bibliography
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Citations from journals such as: Studies in Romanticism, Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism, European Romantic Review
Project MUSE
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Full-text journals include: Byron Journal
ProQuest One Literature
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Literary criticism, authors' biographies, reference resources with citations
Revolution and Protest Online
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How social movements have shaped the human experience globally from the 1700s-
Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals
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Victorian periodicals index
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American literature -- 19th century -- History and criticism
English literature -- 18th century
Featured Holdings
Waterloo Directory of Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900
Lists newspaper and periodical titles published in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales between 1824 and 1900.
British Library: Discovering Literature: Restoration & 18th Century
British Library: Discovering Literature: Romantics & Victorians
Early Modern
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