Hover over Reports at the top to see Industry & Market, as well as Country & Region Reports.
International business intelligence on industries, countries, & consumers
Choose Industries tab at the top for consumer and B2B markets. Then choose options under Explore Analysis to find Country Reports, Category and Geography.
Choose Consumers tab at the top for statistics and trends for target markets. Choose a topic, then options under Explore Analysis to find Country Reports and Geography.
Chose Economies tab at the top for general information on a country and detailed reports on major cities by using Explore Analysis options.
During this course, you will be investigating entrepreneurial opportunities in other countries. This research guide page will direct you toward quality resources to ensure success.
The one-hour, hands on International Business Research and Demographic & Consumer Research workshops focus on effective and efficient use of the resources you will need to successfully complete your assignment.
Need a different time? If you have a group of 4 or more, we can add a session for you. Request a workshop.