A research paper is a kind of conversation. You are engaging others in a dialog that's taking place in their absence. So, to recognize others' contributions to the discussion and to allow anyone reading your paper to join in this exchange of ideas, you need to acknowledge where you found their thoughts. "Thoughts" may include words, images, ideas, etc.
Moreover, when you take ideas and pass them off as your own, it's plagiarizing. This is one of the worst crimes that one can commit in an academic community. So, make sure that you clearly indicate what your original thoughts are, as well as who may have inspired you to think them.
Rebecca Graff
Research Librarian
SMU Libraries
Your completed report may be published in SMU Scholar.
In order for this to happen, your project must follow these guidelines:
Understanding Copyright, Fair Use, and Intellectual Property
Any recorded idea or image is owned by someone. Permission may be needed to reproduce or republish it.