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Types of Research Papers: Types of Research Questions

There are many types of research questions, and determining what kind you might use depends on the discipline and the assignment. 

Name Description Typical words Example
Descriptive Questions about facts or the state of things What What are barriers to effective fishing regulation in the United States?
Explanatory Questions about causes of or relationships between concepts or phenomena How, why, effect, impact, relate, cause

Why does the fishing industry respond negatively to geographic limits in fishing regulation?

How do fishing regulations impact commercial fishing in the United States?

Prescriptive Provides solutions to a problem Should What should the United States do to prevent overfishing in the Gulf of Mexico?
Normative Questions that are answered based on opinions, values, and subjective preferences Should Should economic concerns outweigh environmental ones in regulating the fishing industry?
Predictive Predicts outcomes What will, How will How will the fishing industry respond to new regulations that increase geographical limits to fishing areas?
Conceptual or theoretical How broad concepts are defined or understood No typical words How are different types of regulation distinguished and defined?